HRV+ Heart Rate Variability Monitor

What is TrainerDay?
TrainerDay is our new company focused on performance cycling, and HRV+ is becoming a part of it. The HRV+ app has not had any updates in years and as a part of the TrainerDay suite we will start improving it.

Why HRV+?
As compared to many other ways of monitoring your recovery HRV+ makes evaluating your day-to-day health easy. Just take a quick, one-minute measurement each day. That can be all you need to predict when it is time to take it easy to avoid sickness or injury and when to push hard and challenge your self.

What is HRV?
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a great indicator of what is going on inside your body. It’s a measurement of how well the mind can slow heart rate (HR), which is an indicator of overall health and stress. In general, better health is indicated using HRV when there is more variability from an in-breath (HR speeding up) to an out-breath (HR slowing down).
HRV+ iPhone App
How to use the HRV+ Heart Rate Variability Monitor
See a real example below. In this graph, you can see that taking it easy one evening might have avoided a week in bed. Those who use heart rate variability to monitor health have many examples of days that started off with “I feel a little bit off”. When combined with a bit of information from HRV Plus “taking it easy” avoided the days in bed and resulted in back-to-business-as-normal within a couple days.
Professionals use the HRV+ Heart Rate Variability Monitor

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